In the present age of fairy tale luxury, where you have the choice to book SRK’s Delhi home and the present Maharaja of Jaipur’s part home accessible to stay in, we have humble luxury to offer.
Jaipur Inn has been a home that has evolved over decades. Having lived and grown up knowing this as the only home, there are memories etched in every breathing soul of the premises.
The Treetop rooms are close to the heart as they were carved from thin air and gave wings to creativity laboured by passion, love and will power. The luxury rooms on the 1st floor are seeped in memories too and again embody a work of art in creating a marvel out of clear space.
The floor did not exist in the original building and now has the luxury collection with its own history. The garden sit-out is blessed with the occasional peacock one on one performance, birds chirping and blue skies in attendance. Sunlight seeping into the rooms from all possible nooks and corners are all highlights. Not to miss the upcycled swings made with metal previously used in the house and the cotton fabric used to make collapsible beds strung as the base of the swing, with the arms decorated by a local artisan. On choosing us, we will welcome you with open arms and let you be etched into the memory book too.